
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Introduction to XQuery


Introduction to XQuery
XQuery is to XML what SQL is to database tables.XQuery is designed to query XML data - not just XML files but anything that can appear as XML, including databases.

What is XQuery?
•XQuery is the language for querying XML data
•XQuery for XML is like SQL for databases
•XQuery is built on XPath expressions
•XQuery is supported by all major databases
•XQuery is a W3C Recommendation


It is designed to query anything that can appear as XML, including databases.If you want to learn more about XQuery, first we shd go for our XLink and XPointer Linking in XML is divided into two parts: XLink and XPointer.
XLink and XPointer define a standard way of creating hyperlinks in XML documents
XQuery is a language for finding and extracting elements and attributes from XML documents.
Here is an example of a question that XQuery could solve:
"Select all CD records with a price less than $10 from the CD collection stored in the XML document called cd_catalog.xml"
XQuery and XPath
XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 share the same data model and support the same functions and operators.


XQuery can be used to:
• Extract information to use in a Web Service
• Generate summary reports
• Transform XML data to XHTML
• Search Web documents for relevant information

jdeveloper(component palete)

Component Palette

Activities are the building blocks of the BPEL process. The Process Activities selection of the Component Palette shown in the upper right part of Figure: Oracle JDeveloper Sections displays a set of activities that you drag and drop into the Diagram window of the BPEL process. The Component Palette displays only those pages relevant to the state of the Diagram window. Process Activities or Services are nearly always visible. However, if you are designing a transformation in a transform activity, the Component Palette only displays selections relevant to that activity, such as String Functions, Mathematical Functions, and Node-set Functions.

JDEVELOPER(application navigator)

Application Navigator:

The Application Navigator shown in the upper left part of Figure: Oracle JDeveloper Sections displays the project files. Double-click a node (for example, the Integration Content node) to display its contents. Right-click a node to display a context-sensitive menu of commands. The menu commands that are available depend on the node selected. For example, if you right-click the FulfillOrders project in Figure: Application Navigator, you can compile and deploy this BPEL process to Oracle BPEL Server. Figure: Application Navigator shows the files that appear under the Integration Content folder when you first create a project in Oracle JDeveloper (in this example, named Fulfill Orders inside an application named myBPELapplication).

The Application Navigator is the navigator that gives you a logical view of your application and the data it contains. The Application Navigator provides an infrastructure that the different extensions can plug into and use to organize their data and menus in a consistent, abstract manner.


Benefits of Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle SOA Suite can help you achieve the best total value of opportunity by means of:

Develop and deploy applications faster:

As the market's only integrated SOA suite, Oracle SOA Suite greatly reduces the overall cost of architecting, developing, deploying, and managing applications. Applications are built faster, they can be put into production sooner, and their associated benefits can be realized sooner. You save money, and you can reassign software engineers and funds to other projects

Reduce application deployment costs:

Oracle SOA Suite is the only SOA suite designed to leverage grid computing to lower costs by deploying enterprise applications on modular, low-cost hardware and storage.

Reduce maintenance and management costs:

Oracle SOA Suite lowers management costs by automating software provisioning across groups of systems and by centralizing systems monitoring and administration. It lowers security administration costs by centralizing identity and access management.

Oracle SOA Suite can help you achieve the best total value of opportunity by reducing your development costs, by reducing your deployment costs, and by reducing ongoing maintenance costs, thus providing you with the fastest return on your investment.

Oracle Identity Manager interview questions & answers-2

What is an Identity?

An identity is the virtual representation of an enterprise resource user including employees, customers, partners and vendors. Identity Management shows the rights and relationships the user has when interacting with a company’s network.

What are the benefits of Identity Management?

Centralized auditing and reporting – Know who did what and report on system usage.
Reduce IT operating costs – Immediate return on investment is realized by eliminating the use of paper forms, phone calls and wait time for new account generation and enabling user self service and password management.
Minimize Security Risk – Control access to the network and instantaneously update accounts in a complex enterprise environment including: layoffs, acquisitions, partner changes, temporary and contract workers.
Improved quality of IT services
Legal compliance – Many government mandates require secure control of access.

How does Identity Management (IDM) work?

The process involves creating user accounts that are able to be modified, disabled or deleted. Delegated workflows, rules and policies are applied to the users account.

A user profile will tell the company: who they are, what they are entitled to do, when they are allowed to perform specific functions, where they are allowed to perform functions from and why they have been granted permissions.

How are Identity Management Solutions Implemented?

Step One: Inventory and assess current investments and processes. Clean and consolidate identity data stores. Create virtual identities for enterprise users.

Step Two: Design and deploy identity infrastructure components. Create identity provisioning and deploy password management, user self-service, and regulatory compliance.

Step Three: Deliver applications and services. Access management deployed to a clean environment. Leverage federated identity for improving supply chain and employee efficiencies.

Are your Identity Management questions not listed in our FAQs?
Our experts are ready to help answer all your IDM questions.

Explain the Architecture of Oracle identity Manager?

The Oracle Identity Manager architecture consists of three tiers

Ø Tier 1: Client: The Oracle Identity Manager application GUI component reside in this tier. Users log in by using the Oracle Identity Manager client.The Oracle Identity Manager client interacts with the Oracle Identity Manager server, providing it with the user's login credentials.

Ø Tier 2: Application Server: The second tier implements the business logic, which resides in the Java Data Objects that are managed by the supported J2EE application server (JBoss application server, BEA WebLogic, and IBM WebSphere). The Java Data Objects implement the business logic of the Oracle Identity Manager application, however, they are not exposed to any methods from the outside world. Therefore, to access the business functionality of Oracle Identity Manager, you can use the API layer within the J2EE infrastructure, which provides the lookup and communication mechanism.

Ø Tier 3: Database: The third tier consists of the database. This is the layer that is responsible for managing the storage of data within Oracle Identity Manager.

How many Types of users are there in oracle identity manager?

Explain the Provisioning and Reconciliation process?

Explain the Auto provisioning Process?

What is Deprovisioning Explain autodeprovisioning process?

What is purpose of Reconciliation Manager?

You can look here for recon data once reconciliation is complete. You can determine whether event received and linked for not.

What is Application Server and Web server?

A Web server exclusively handles HTTP requests, whereas an application server serves business logic to application programs through any number of protocols.

Webserver mainly handles the Http requests but app server can be used to handle the http, rmi, TCP/IP and many more protocols. Webserver just handles the requests of the webpage – means suppose, a html page(presentation layer) requests a data - here script is written containing the business logic , then it just give the response with the required data from the database. Then the html page with script is used to show the retrieved information. In case of application server, it does the same thing, of getting and gives the response but it can process the requests. i.e. in this case, instead of script know how to fetch the data, the script is simply used to call the applications server's lookup service to retrieve and process the data. i.e here, application server is used for processing/applying logic. The web server can be considered as the subset of app server

The basic difference between a web server and an application server is
WebServer can execute only web applications i.e. servlets and JSPs and has only a single container known as Web container which is used to interpret/execute web applications

Application server can execute Enterprise application, i,e (servlets, jsps, and EJBs) it is having two containers 1. WebContainer (for interpreting/executing servlets and jsps)

2. EJB container (for executing EJBs). It can perform operations like load balancing , transaction demarcation etc

What is the purpose of rule designer?

Use this form to create rules that can be applied to password policy selection, automatic group membership, provisioning process selection, task assignment, and prepopulating adapters


Process Determination

Task Assignment


What is Adapter? What Adapters available in OIM?

An adapter is a Java class that is created by an Oracle Identity Manager user through the Adapter Factory.

  • Process Tasks adapters - automate completion of a process task and are attached to a Process Definition Form ( AD user, OID User, etc)
  • Entity Adapter - automatically populates a field on the OIM User form or custom User Form on pre-update, pre-delete, pre-insert, post-insert, post-update, or post-delete
  • Pre-Populate Adapter - specific type of rule generator attached to a user-created form field that can automatically generate data to the form but does not save that data to the OIM database but does send that information to appropriate directory user object. The data can come from manual entry on a form or from automated entry from the OIM defined forms.
  • Rule Generator - can populate fields automatically on an OIM form or a user-created form and save to the OIM database based on business rules
  • Task Assignment Adapter - automates the assignment of a process task to a user or group

Explain the Approval process?

What is suppress standard approval process?

Have u involved to develop a custom connector?

Have u involved to develop a custom adapter?

Explain the attestation process?

What is clustering in IDM?

Explain the process of user defined field(Custome Field) provisioning process?

Explain the deligate administration process(Design console&Admin console)?

How do refer Logs for OIM Server?

Explain the password Sync?

How to configer the connector?

What is on boarding, off boarding process?

Explain the archatecture of OVD,OID?

Can you Generate connector using GTC?

What is proxy,How to modify and remove proxy?

Can you explain how to export aconnector?

What is report?what is difference between operational reports and historical reports?

Operational Report:

User Entitlements

Resource Access List

Group Membership

Policy List

OIM Password Expiration

Approval Status by Approver

Historical Reports:

User Access History

Resource Access List History

User Profile History

User Membership History

Group Membership History

User Lifecycle

Users Deleted

Task Assignment History

How to Change the functionality of the Administrative console without modifying the Oracle Identity Manager code?

How to modify look and feel of Administrative console?

HOW to version Upgrade in OIM?

Difference between Object Form and Process Form?